Lottery Crore Ki Inaam Ek Rupaiya

In today's world, Wealth, Strength, Success and Power have become our top priority. However, we have forgotten the roots, so we must look beyond what we want to see, to see the reality. The Reality is disturbing. We need to value our time and know our inner super powers.
A man went to a tailor to get his pant stitched. The tailor took the measurements and agreed that he will stitch the pant withing 15 days. The man asked the tailor to stitch a bag along with it. The tailor disagreed in the beginning, but the man forced him. The tailor agreed. After 15 days, the man came over to take his pant. Along with his pant, the tailor gave him the bag. The man laughed and said " I had told you that you can stitch a bag along with my pant". The man paid the tailor and returned. The pant did not fit the man when he tried it, as it was small in size. He came back as he was very angry with the tailor. The tailor said " You had forced me to stitch a bag. So I stitched the bag first and then the pant, thinking that the bag was your priority"
Similarly, we have Wealth, Strength, Success and Power which is like the Bag and not the Pant. We are giving priority to the bag and not the pant.
1. Friendship:
Is there friendship and attachment with your family? Do we value our family members? Is there Love between your family members? Are we building a Wall or a Bridge in our family? A wall creates so much distance between family members that there is no longer any direct communication. When direct communication is replaced by hearsay, conflicts are made worse. If we work hard to maintain our personal relationships, that reservoir of deep friendship will be there when it's needed. A bridge between Past and Future binds generations together in ways that no other keepsake can. It is our responsibility to knit the hearts together through love and respect for each other.
2. Purity:
"Unto the Pure All Things are Pure"
How pure are our thoughts for our family members inspite of the difference in opinions? Do we think or say anything bad about our family members? Why do we talk about the weakness of our family members who have done so many favors on us? Lets not talk bad about any of our family members no matter how they are.
Flying a Kite is great fun on a windy day during Makar Sankranti. We love to fly our kites high and avoid it from getting entangled with other kites. We draw pleasure in cutting down others kite, but save our own. Similarly in life, we are jealous when something good happens in others life and we are happy in someone's sorrow.
Our Parents and Family members have done favor on us from Day 1. So lets not forget them. Lets have pure thoughts and spiritual interpretation .
3. Devotion:
"You can't choose who our family will be, but we can choose how it will be".
No word of disrespect should be uttered towards our parents, nor even a look of resentment or contempt. Honoring parents can be considered a form of worship if the intention is to please almighty God. Parents are deserving of kindness because they raised us with gentleness and often made sacrifices for our well being. Now a days the wave of nuclear family is on " We two and our two children" . So where do the parents go in this case? Parents are put in old age homes. People are ready to give donations to old age homes but are not ready to keep their parents with them. We have made our career but what about our character?
4. Acceptance:
If one of the family members hurts you or breaks your heart, forgive them, For they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to who you open your heart to.
Conflicts grow between two brothers if the property is not distributed equally. Lord Rama's throne was given to his younger brother Bharat. For the sake of his father's honor, Rama abandons his claim to Kosala's
throne to serve an exile of fourteen years in the forest.Lord Rama agreed to his father's decision without any arguments. Now a days, we give lots of importance to other people than our own family members.
For eg. A mother living in an old age home, calls to wish her son on his birthday late night. The son picks up the phone angrily and scold his old mother for calling him late in the night. The mother replies " I have called you to wish you on your birthday as I remembered that I gave you birth at this time". The son angrily said that the mother could have called in the morning as she has disturbed his sleep. The mother replied " Alright son, I will never call you again on your birthday. But remember my last words, Your sleep got disturbed now just because of my phone call, but my whole night was spoilt when you were born".
Lets not lessen our happiness even after all the ups and downs in our life.
"Make everyday count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again."
These wordings just bring goose pimples on to me.....well written:)
ReplyDeleteappreciate that :)