Saturday, 16 June 2012


                                                                    NPL - Day 15

Interpretation in life is of two types. Rich Interpretation or Poor Interpretation. We have to change our thinking, our interpretation of the world, and the way we see, as changing the way we see is changing the way we see the world.
The person who has a Rich Interpretation will always have a positive approach towards life and the person who has a Poor Interpretation will always have a negative approach towards life. Our virtues life in the kind of interpretation we have.Before speaking or doing anything, we have to consider the interpretation of our words as well as their intent.
There was a King who believed himself as the one who could fulfill everyone's wishes. Anyone who came to him, never went empty handed. One day a Fakir came to the palace and challenged the King that he will not be able to fulfill his wishes. The King replied that there was nothing in the world that he cannot fulfill. He said he can also give his throne to the Fakir. The Fakir replied that he does not want the King's throne, but he wants the King to fill his small empty vessel with anything the King wished. The King fills the vessel with diamonds and again the vessel becomes empty. The King tried many times, but unfortunately the vessel becomes empty every time he fills it. He finally accepts that he is unable to fulfill the Fakir's desires ans asked the Fakir, " From where did you bring this vessel and what is it made up of?" The Fakir replied that the vessel is made from man's mind"
A safety locker can be filled with wealth,  a hole in the ground can be filled with mud, an empty stomach can be filled with food but a Man's desires can never be fulfilled.

In an Ashram there lived a Saint and his disciple. One day the disciple finds a cow at the Ashram's gate. He tells the Saint that someone has left their cow at our Ashram. The Saint replies, " It good as everyone will get milk everyday" After few days the cow was stolen and when the disciple informs the Saint about this, he replies," Its good as no one has to pick up the cow dung".
This is an example of Rich Interpretation. It shows his positive approach towards life.
In life why are we not happy even when we have all the worldly things. It is because we have a Poor Interpretation.

"Our living is determined not so much by what life brings to us as by the attitude we bring to life; not so much by what happens to us as by the way our mind looks at what happens."

Four types of mind:
1. Naughty Mind
2. Narrow Mind
3. Negative Mind
4. Noble Mind

1. Naughty Mind:
Clouds are flighty in nature. They move in the direction of the wind.
A cloud does not know why it moves in just such a direction and at such a speed... It feels an impulsion... this is the place to go now. But the sky knows the reasons and patterns behind all clouds, and we will know, too, when we life ourselves high enough to see beyond horizons.
Our minds is also like the clouds. It is never steady. Depending on the atmosphere, our minds also changes. Our mind is our weakness. When we go to the temple, our mind wanders and thinks about cinema theater, but when we go to a theater, does our mind think about God? Our mind never wanders when counting money. To us one rupee seems stronger than God. We close our doors while counting our money, but do we close the doors when we count the holy beads and pray to God.

2. Narrrow Mind:
A broad minded person see's the truth in different things, while a narrow minded person see's only the differences. A broad minded mother asks her son to share his food with all his friends in school. A narrow minded person is selfish and thinks only about himself and can never be satisfied in life.
There was a dog that used to carry bread in its mouth and feed the cow as the cow had hurt its leg and was not able to walk This is broad mindedness. The dog never thought about himself but did everything he could do to feed the cow. When a dog can be so broad minded, why can't we? Do we ever think about giving the one's in need? It is not the question of whether we have enough or not to give others, but it is the thought of giving that matters. Do we ever give our servants sweets along with their salary? We give donations in lakhs but we are hesitant to give sweets to our servants.
It is not the question of where you are, but the question is where is your vision?
So lets make an effort to have a broad mind.

3. Negative Mind:
When there is scarcity and there is a feeling that there is not enough, negativity comes in. When we have a negative mind, we always focus on what we don't have and this in turn makes us weak and unhappy.. Negative mind is a result of Poor Interpretation.
We can close the windows and darken our room, and we can open the windows and let light in. It is a matter of choice. Our mind is our room. Do we darken it or do we fill it with light?
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others.
We have to make an effort not to bring in negative feelings at least in the holy place.
"Help God to Help You"
We should never let circumstances influence our thoughts and moods. By rising over them mentally, we will eventually rise over them materially. No one in the world has the power to disturb our happiness.
Lord Ram was very obedient. He agreed to go to  the Forest for 14 years along with Sita and Lakshman, as Kaykayi wanted her son Bharat to take over the throne. Before leaving for the forest, Ram met Kaykayi and said," Today you have proved that you love me more than Bharat". Kaykayi asked how can you prove that I love you more than Bharat. Lord Ram replied," I will be in the forest with Sita and Lakshman for 14 years. I have the responsibility on me only for two of them but you have given Bharat the entire responsibility of Ayodhya Kingdom".
This shows the Richness Interpretation of Lord Rama and his positive approach towards life.

4. Noble Mind:
The man of noble mind seeks to achieve the good in other and not their evil. It depends on us whether we want to be happy or not. Our attitude must be such that even if the whole world is there to disturb our peace,   we will never take it and never be unhappy. If we do not wish, no one can make us unhappy and if we don't wish to be happy, no one can make us happy.
Our attitude must be that, " If anyone wants to torture the body he can but not the mind". It depends on us whether we want to be happy in life. When we don't have what we like, we must like what we have.
If someone abuses us or uses dirty words on us, it is upto us to take it or leave it.
For eg. When we climb a ladder, 1/4 space is occupied by steps and 3/4th is vacuum. We still use the 1/4th space to climb as it is a step. Similarly, a Saint's life is tough, but not void of happiness in any kind of circumstances. We have all the worldly comfort but still happiness is missing in our lives.
If we are stressed for 24 hours, it is our own responsibility.
"Take light, but fight tight."
Our life will end by just grumbling all the time. We have to learn to adjust according to the situation.
A noble minded person will always do the right interpretation.

A son fails 6 times in the same class. When his results come, he asks his father what will be your reaction if I pass. The father replies that he will go mad due to happiness if his son has passed. The son replies that he does not want his father to become mad and so has failed again.

We cannot control what happens to us, but we can control our attitude towards what happens to us and in that we will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master us. Whatever we hold in our mind will tend to occur in our life. If we continue to believe as we have always believed, we will continue to act as we have always acted. If we continue to act as we have always acted, we will continue to get what we have always gotten. If we want different results in our life, all we have to do is Change Our Mind.


  1. Its very true of how we interpret the things in our life. While reading about the 'Narrow Mind' topic above, one incident that happend to me came across my mind! There is an old lady who stays opposite to my house in Coimbatore. She does all the maintenance work of the building, like cleaning, sweeping etc. When ever she sees me she asks me some money. For the first 2-3 times I gave. But then it becomes a habbit for her. So now a days I just make reasons to avoid giving the money. And most recently I had brought some mangoes to eat from a near by shop. That time she saw me and asked me one mango. I don't know what happened to me, I just ignored and went without giving. But later I regretted, 'that I should I have given her one mango!'. So does all this behaviour of mine go under the 'Narrow mind' category???

    1. Hello Sithal, It was good indeed you had given her money initially, later it became her habit. Not necessarily your situation is narrow minded because you atleast had the feeling of giving her initially and later regretted!
