Day 6
Once a Saint was travelling in the night. It was very cold. The Saint thought that he has to stay somewhere. He found a house nearby. A man stayed there and said that he was a thief. The Saint still agreed to stay at his house. Days went by and the Saint almost stayed there for a month. While leaving the Saint had a smile on his face and said," I have learned a lot from you in this one month. You used to go out every night to rob someone and when you used to come unsuccessful, you used to say that if not today, tomorrow I will definitely get something. You had a ray of hope. I have also learnt from you to continue to follow on my path so that even I will get God someday!"
Requiring oxygen for life is a universal truth. We all have to take oxygen. Lord Mahavira was successful on spiritual path because he had composed well (सर्जन किया), stored well (संग्रह किया) and Given to the society (प्रदान किया).
The Sun, River, Trees always have the nature to give. A snake does not come under this category as it bites gives poison. What is our mentality in the field of giving? What have we contributed or given to our family, society, country and the world? If you have given only good then you are on the right path.
The society does not give love to the one who does not contribute.
The guilty feeling for the past sins will spoil the future. It will disturb our mentality. Thinking and worrying about the future will also do the same. But how thankful are we for our present? We have to leave the past and the future and concentrate only on the present. Are we sad for the things that we have not got or are we happy for the things we got when we least expected them?
Do not just compose and store the good but have the nature to share and give it to others. Is a narrow gauge line better or a broad gauge line better? When we prefer broad gauge lines, why is our mentality and mind not broad? How much is our interest in sharing and giving?
Giving does not mean just money, it can mean anything that we can give to the society. Happiness lies more in giving than in receiving!
There are four steps to go on the spiritual path:
1. Garb Khand(गर्ब खंड):
Garb Khand means stopping our eyes, ears, nose, tongue from seeing, hearing or doing anything wrong. What is our mentality to leave the bad? Are we ready to stop criticizing or speaking bad? Are we ready to stop seeing anything bad? What are our efforts in this field? It is a big challenge and struggle to leave the bad. Lord Mahavira always followed this path and left all the worldly pleasure.
2, Karma Khand(कर्म खंड):
Karm Khand means to change and become good. It is to stop doing bad and start doing good. Until there is bad filled in our minds we will not be able to do anything good.
3. Varg Khand(वर्ग खंड):
The effort to keep training the mind and the heart to see and do only good is Varg Khand. There will be no more struggle as the mind is already trained well. Is our mind open or have we trained it? We don't step into gutter water, they why do thoughts equivalent to gutter come to our minds? A snake remains snake and cannot become a swan. A swan will remain a swan and can never become a snake. Our mind can become both a snake or a swan depending on us. In the spiritual path, we cannot even think of doing wrong.
4. Dharma Khand(धर्म खंड):
This is when we have achieved our true nature that no one has the strength to move you. No one can move you even in times of pain or temptation.
Once a Saint was travelling in the night. It was very cold. The Saint thought that he has to stay somewhere. He found a house nearby. A man stayed there and said that he was a thief. The Saint still agreed to stay at his house. Days went by and the Saint almost stayed there for a month. While leaving the Saint had a smile on his face and said," I have learned a lot from you in this one month. You used to go out every night to rob someone and when you used to come unsuccessful, you used to say that if not today, tomorrow I will definitely get something. You had a ray of hope. I have also learnt from you to continue to follow on my path so that even I will get God someday!"
Requiring oxygen for life is a universal truth. We all have to take oxygen. Lord Mahavira was successful on spiritual path because he had composed well (सर्जन किया), stored well (संग्रह किया) and Given to the society (प्रदान किया).
The Sun, River, Trees always have the nature to give. A snake does not come under this category as it bites gives poison. What is our mentality in the field of giving? What have we contributed or given to our family, society, country and the world? If you have given only good then you are on the right path.
The society does not give love to the one who does not contribute.
The guilty feeling for the past sins will spoil the future. It will disturb our mentality. Thinking and worrying about the future will also do the same. But how thankful are we for our present? We have to leave the past and the future and concentrate only on the present. Are we sad for the things that we have not got or are we happy for the things we got when we least expected them?
Do not just compose and store the good but have the nature to share and give it to others. Is a narrow gauge line better or a broad gauge line better? When we prefer broad gauge lines, why is our mentality and mind not broad? How much is our interest in sharing and giving?
Giving does not mean just money, it can mean anything that we can give to the society. Happiness lies more in giving than in receiving!
There are four steps to go on the spiritual path:
1. Garb Khand(गर्ब खंड):
Garb Khand means stopping our eyes, ears, nose, tongue from seeing, hearing or doing anything wrong. What is our mentality to leave the bad? Are we ready to stop criticizing or speaking bad? Are we ready to stop seeing anything bad? What are our efforts in this field? It is a big challenge and struggle to leave the bad. Lord Mahavira always followed this path and left all the worldly pleasure.
2, Karma Khand(कर्म खंड):
Karm Khand means to change and become good. It is to stop doing bad and start doing good. Until there is bad filled in our minds we will not be able to do anything good.
3. Varg Khand(वर्ग खंड):
The effort to keep training the mind and the heart to see and do only good is Varg Khand. There will be no more struggle as the mind is already trained well. Is our mind open or have we trained it? We don't step into gutter water, they why do thoughts equivalent to gutter come to our minds? A snake remains snake and cannot become a swan. A swan will remain a swan and can never become a snake. Our mind can become both a snake or a swan depending on us. In the spiritual path, we cannot even think of doing wrong.
4. Dharma Khand(धर्म खंड):
This is when we have achieved our true nature that no one has the strength to move you. No one can move you even in times of pain or temptation.
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