Thursday 6 December 2012

Strings Of Our Life

                                                                Day 3

There are four types of situation we might be in:

1. ADHMADHAM (Very Miserbale):

If an empty plot has not boundary it would be attacked by animals, thief and also by dust. Similarly, an empty mind that has not restriction will be filled with filthy thoughts. If a boundary is necessary for a plot, a boundary is necessary for the mind also. How much is our effort to improve our mind? All filthy thoughts come to our mind. Even where is no cause around, when the mind thinks wrong or filthy we say it is a situation in which we are very miserable. When we are free, what are the kinds of thoughts that come to our mind? Why don't good thoughts come to our mind? Bad thoughts don't come, we invite them.
Bad thoughts are like the dacoit that enter your house without any invitation and good thoughts are like guests who don't come to your house without invitation. We can control our bad thoughts if we want to.

2. ADHAM (Miserable):
A person who goes in search of a wrong cause comes in this category. Watching TV, Going out when free, reading supplementary vulgar magazines or newspaper are all ways of searching for a wrong cause to invite bad thoughts. We are mostly interesting in hearing some bad news or some vulgar news from others rather than hearing good news. We must create the interest to grab the good news from all over the world and also have such friends who give only good news. Even if the other person brings some vulgar news, why do we give our ears to hear it? We must make use of the advanced technology that can bring good news to us. Good news is like no news to us as we are interested only in bad news.

3. MADHYAM(Middle or Second Best):
When a wrong cause comes in front of our eyes and then if we are unable to control our eyes, we would fall under this category. The person in this category does not go in search of wrong but it somehow comes in front of his eyes. A person in this category wants to become good but a wrong cause stops him from doing so. Girls who wear improper clothes, hotels, theaters, college, posters are all becoming the reason for being in this category.

4.UTTAM (Excellent):
No matter how many wrong causes come in front of the eyes, a person in this category never loses his mind. He is not affected by such situations at all. This is the most challenging situation. In the past a grown up girl was also not allowed to sit alone with her father!

If we are not in the fourth category, then we must not be in the first category also. The one in the third category knows his weakness and will be able to save himself. He wants to save himself from committing sins. If a train driver sleeps off, even then there is less possibility of the train meeting with an accident as the train is running on a track but if  truck driver sleeps off, the truck will definitely meet with an accident as the truck does not run on a track!
If we are going on a path filled with dirt with weak legs and someone offers to give a stick to walk, accept it as it will save us!

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