Day 4
What we speak and how we speak, the words we use in our language makes a lot of difference. It shows what kind of person are we.
There are five types of words we must never use:
1. Bitter and Harsh Words(कटु शब्द):
It is important to control our words no matter what kind of situation comes in front of us. Love is shown even when words and language are silent. It is not necessary that love must always speak. If we have to always use words to express our love for others, then it is not love. Love can be seen in the eyes also. We should never use harsh or bitter words that would hurt others for lifetime. We often use excuses and say that we used the words just like that but we don't mean it. If we do not have anything in our heart then why do we speak such words?
"Words once spoken can never be taken back"
Just remember not to use words that would pinch others.
2. Thorny Words(कंटक शब्द):
We use such thorny words in our language that people can never forget for lifetime. No relation and no family can be maintained with use of such words. People can understand if we are gentleman or rogue by the use and choice of our words and not by money. We make good choices while buying vegetables, diamonds, clothes etc but why such bad choice of words? God's prayer and profane language are both made of alphabets but it depends on the choice of alphabets. If we choose alphabets and place them in the right way we can make them into God's verses instead of dirty words.
3. Pride or Egoistic Words(कंदर्प शब्द):
We have to check if our words contain ego or pride in them. Egoistic words hurt others a lot. The world will go on without us, then why so much pride? We must never place ourselves in the center always. The use of words "I" always hurts.
4. Court Words(कोर्ट शब्द):
In our day to day life, we just keep arguing with others. We place every kind of proof to prove the other person wrong. Why do we always use such words that are used in the court? Listening and hearing are two different things. Listening contains love but hearing does not because we keep arguing.
What we speak and how we speak, the words we use in our language makes a lot of difference. It shows what kind of person are we.
There are five types of words we must never use:
1. Bitter and Harsh Words(कटु शब्द):
It is important to control our words no matter what kind of situation comes in front of us. Love is shown even when words and language are silent. It is not necessary that love must always speak. If we have to always use words to express our love for others, then it is not love. Love can be seen in the eyes also. We should never use harsh or bitter words that would hurt others for lifetime. We often use excuses and say that we used the words just like that but we don't mean it. If we do not have anything in our heart then why do we speak such words?
"Words once spoken can never be taken back"
Just remember not to use words that would pinch others.
2. Thorny Words(कंटक शब्द):
We use such thorny words in our language that people can never forget for lifetime. No relation and no family can be maintained with use of such words. People can understand if we are gentleman or rogue by the use and choice of our words and not by money. We make good choices while buying vegetables, diamonds, clothes etc but why such bad choice of words? God's prayer and profane language are both made of alphabets but it depends on the choice of alphabets. If we choose alphabets and place them in the right way we can make them into God's verses instead of dirty words.
3. Pride or Egoistic Words(कंदर्प शब्द):
We have to check if our words contain ego or pride in them. Egoistic words hurt others a lot. The world will go on without us, then why so much pride? We must never place ourselves in the center always. The use of words "I" always hurts.
4. Court Words(कोर्ट शब्द):
In our day to day life, we just keep arguing with others. We place every kind of proof to prove the other person wrong. Why do we always use such words that are used in the court? Listening and hearing are two different things. Listening contains love but hearing does not because we keep arguing.
"If you have a smile on your face, your problems will be miles away"
It is a challenge to maintain the balance of mind even when the other person uses harsh bitter words. We must try and avoid the above four kind of words in our daily language and we will see a huge change in our life. Even a thirsty bird also flying over the ocean does not come down to to drink it as the bird knows it would not quench its thirst. A small pond or lake, however would quench its thirst. Likewise, even if we have crores of money, people would not prefer to come to us if our choice of words is not right.
The degree of our gentle-manliness is known by the kind of words that come out from out mouth and the degree of our roguishness is known by what we don't speak. We have to at least make up our mind not to criticize or use harsh words for those people who have not hurt us. This is a big challenge. When we don't get along well with someone, first we stop speaking with them and second we never sit with them for lunch. It is necessary to have love in your heart even when the relationship has ended and this can be done by not criticizing the other person.
"It is better to lose in words than to break hearts!"
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