Thursday 20 December 2012

Nitivaakyam - Day 11

                                                                Day 11

"A true gentleman and wise person is the one due to whom others are not hurt"

To know what kind of voice I have, it is important to take others opinion. A gutter has to ask others what kind of smell comes from it. A crow thinks its voice is very sweet but in others opinion it does not have a good voice. Similarly it is necessary to ask and take others opinion to know our own nature. It is not necessary to ask opinion in regards to health, wealth, status or power. It is important to know how others feel because of us. Our good nature can become a reason for others happiness and joy. Our wealth , health, power and status can become a reason for jealousy in others. What is our goal? Do we want good nature or health, wealth and power?

If our nature is bad, people will not come to us even if we have wealth. Religion is interested in only one thing  - our good nature. If others are sad because of us then our life has no meaning. To maintain a good nature it is important to keep our ego on number two position. A person who keeps his ego on number one position cannot have a good nature. A good nature is the key to a building's gate. The only barometer for progress is good nature.

We know that a cuckoo has a sweet voice and a crow does not have a good voice,  from others appreciation and opinion. Are we ready to accept that our character and nature can be wrong? To make our nature good we have to follow:

1. Voice Beauty is more important than Voice Purity:

It is important to first think of the beauty of our voice before thinking about the ways to  make it pure. We have to first bring beauty in our words. It is voice purity when we say "I am right" and it is voice beauty when our words don't hurt the other person. We have to learn to be happy with whatever we have. Even if we don't get what we want, we have to like what we have. What disturbs us in bringing beauty in our words especially for our family members? We will become popular only if we have a good nature. People will not even consider the good works of a bad natured person. People did not like Duryodhana and Raavana for the same reason.

2. There are two types of  truth:

a. Truth is what it is -  This type of truth does not do any good for us.
b. I will support the truth that is for my good.

A Saint's life is full of truth that does good to them. There is a lot of difference between fact and truth. Truth what it is can see only the truth near by and the truth for our good can see long distance truth as well. Science can break a big mountain and religion can fix the broken parts. Religion does the work of converting a soul into God. Why are we running behind money even after having enough? A true master is the one who can sacrifice and the one who owns everything is a slave to it. There is a lot of risk in the path of success and there is a lot of pain in the path of meaningfulness.

Lets make our words beautiful before purifying it and let us focus on making our nature so good that no one is hurt because of us.

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