Saturday, 10 November 2012

Patang Ka Pravas

                                                               Day 4

To go on the spiritual path, there are a few points to remember, just like the journey of the kite in the sky:


A kite has to fly alone in the sky. Similarly in life, we are alone especially in the spiritual path. No one is with us but can we still be happy? We can take wealth and other items from other people, but peace, understanding, good deeds will be ours only. We cannot take it from others. Being alone in the eternal path is a plus point of a minus point? It is plus point as there is no one to stop us and we can run at our own speed and the minus point is that if we get tired there is no one to help or guide us.

"The one who is not happy with self cannot be happy with others"

Why is there trouble in staying alone. Can we stay alone on a weekend, all by ourselves?  Being alone is not the only point, but being happy when alone is the point! No one is going to share our sins. We came alone into this world, we have to go alone. If we want to touch the sky, we have to go alone.


A kite says that it will fly in the sky no matter how strong the winds are. On the land, anyone can follow us seeing our foot steps. In the sea, foot steps are formed but are not seen. And in the sky, footsteps are neither formed nor seen. We must have the ability in us to be stable. The kite that does not have ability, tears and falls down. In life, if there is little pain, we loose all hope and move away from that path. We must have such ability in us that even it any condition occurs, we might bend but not fall. A big tree falls down during strong winds as it does not know how to bend, whereas a plant bends and saves itself during strong winds. 
A kite is made to fly in the sky and we are born in this world to follow God's path and become God. In eternal path as well, no matter how much trouble or pain comes, we must have the ability in us to bear it.


The only address of a kite is the sky. We have two addresses in life - one is Salvation and the other is being jolly. We have to be determined that until we get salvation we will be satisfied with whatever we have and we will be happy. We have to say," enough, not any more". What is our mentality in this? Address means goal of our life. We have been underestimating ourselves. We can either fly up or go down.


Advance means when you feel that there has been little growth in us. Going into the sky is address and going a little up is advance. There will be pain and struggle in life. When we want to change, there are three types of change - Thoughts, Heart and Life change.
When there is a change in life, everyone gets to know but only we can see if there is a change in our thoughts and heart. 

5. AIR:

The soul of a kite is air which helps it to come up and the soul of our life is love. Without love, our soul cannot go on the path to become God. God is Love. We can understand if we have love in our heart for others by seeing two things:
a. If we have the "Let Go" attitude in us.
b. If we have the strength to "Forgive" the one is the reason for our failure.

God says not to lose hope. If we miss the right opportunity then we will fail in life. If we follow the above steps, then we can understand that out kite has started going towards the sky and will touch the sky!

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