Friday, 9 November 2012

Patang Ka Pravas

                                                                  Day 3

In order to live a life worth living and to go in the spiritual path there are a few conditions to follow;

1. Require GUTS:

While flying a kite in the sky, we need the guts to actually fly the kite as there will be many challenges. Like in the sky there is sunrise, sunset, full moon, half moon etc, our life also will have all kinds of challenges and tough situations. The question here is do we have the guts to tackle any kind of situation? In life three things will always be there - Problems, Struggle and Solution.
One man had tied his horse to a tree in the night. In the morning he found that his horse has been robbed by someone. He had the guts to tackle the situation. He took a long stick in his hand and kept going around saying," Whoever has robbed my horse return it, else I have to do the same thing I did last time". The person who had robbed got scared and returned the horse. He asked, "What had you done last time?" The man replied," I had bought a new horse".
So the man had guts enough to get his horse back. Anything can happen in life. But do we have strength and guts to face it? Even in the spiritual life, there are lot of challenges but a person who has chosen this path has the guts to handle those challenges. So in this field, how rich are we? Guts is like petrol for a vehicle and like sugar in sweets. At least try to have guts in those situations where we can bear the challenge or situation.

2. Require GUM:

To make a kite, paper has to be stuck together with gum. God says, in life to how many people can we give place in our heart? There is no trouble in spiritual world if we don't have anything with us, but there is trouble if there is no one with us. How many people are there in this world who truly love you. To how many people are we stuck? How big is our circle of love and how many people are there in it? God does not become our by just leaving wealth. If we become more happy and prosperous, our neighbors would become jealous of us and if we go on the spiritual path, our family members would not like it. We are never able to implement what God has taught us. God loves each and every life in this world, but we are not even able to give proper love to our Parents!

3. Require GAS:

A kite can fly in the sky only if there is strong winds otherwise no matter how much we try it will not fly. Likewise in our life we need good deeds. Are good deeds in our favor? Now we have everything - eyes, ears, nose, hands and legs, but we keep postponing spirituality for our old age. When will we follow God's path? Our mind is never ready to decide when we would become pious? If we are going to postpone for old age, we might regret as at that time we are not sure if we will be able to see, hear, talk, walk etc.
So lets start it now!

4. Require GAP:

Two kites flying in the sky need gap in between them so they can fly properly. We need gap(distance) from our wealth, luxurious items, mobile, clothes etc. We should love people and not things. We become so angry at at person if he by mistake breaks our favorite watch. In other words we have become more attached to things rather than to people. We should not become such a big stone that even a sculptor cannot pick it up!

5. Require GLAD:

When we fly a kite and it goes really high in the sky we become very happy. How happy are we? God wants us to be happy in life. Happiness is the base of our life and if we are not happy in spite of having everything, then it is of no use.

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