Saturday, 10 November 2012

Patang Ka Pravas

                                                               Day 4

To go on the spiritual path, there are a few points to remember, just like the journey of the kite in the sky:


A kite has to fly alone in the sky. Similarly in life, we are alone especially in the spiritual path. No one is with us but can we still be happy? We can take wealth and other items from other people, but peace, understanding, good deeds will be ours only. We cannot take it from others. Being alone in the eternal path is a plus point of a minus point? It is plus point as there is no one to stop us and we can run at our own speed and the minus point is that if we get tired there is no one to help or guide us.

"The one who is not happy with self cannot be happy with others"

Why is there trouble in staying alone. Can we stay alone on a weekend, all by ourselves?  Being alone is not the only point, but being happy when alone is the point! No one is going to share our sins. We came alone into this world, we have to go alone. If we want to touch the sky, we have to go alone.


A kite says that it will fly in the sky no matter how strong the winds are. On the land, anyone can follow us seeing our foot steps. In the sea, foot steps are formed but are not seen. And in the sky, footsteps are neither formed nor seen. We must have the ability in us to be stable. The kite that does not have ability, tears and falls down. In life, if there is little pain, we loose all hope and move away from that path. We must have such ability in us that even it any condition occurs, we might bend but not fall. A big tree falls down during strong winds as it does not know how to bend, whereas a plant bends and saves itself during strong winds. 
A kite is made to fly in the sky and we are born in this world to follow God's path and become God. In eternal path as well, no matter how much trouble or pain comes, we must have the ability in us to bear it.


The only address of a kite is the sky. We have two addresses in life - one is Salvation and the other is being jolly. We have to be determined that until we get salvation we will be satisfied with whatever we have and we will be happy. We have to say," enough, not any more". What is our mentality in this? Address means goal of our life. We have been underestimating ourselves. We can either fly up or go down.


Advance means when you feel that there has been little growth in us. Going into the sky is address and going a little up is advance. There will be pain and struggle in life. When we want to change, there are three types of change - Thoughts, Heart and Life change.
When there is a change in life, everyone gets to know but only we can see if there is a change in our thoughts and heart. 

5. AIR:

The soul of a kite is air which helps it to come up and the soul of our life is love. Without love, our soul cannot go on the path to become God. God is Love. We can understand if we have love in our heart for others by seeing two things:
a. If we have the "Let Go" attitude in us.
b. If we have the strength to "Forgive" the one is the reason for our failure.

God says not to lose hope. If we miss the right opportunity then we will fail in life. If we follow the above steps, then we can understand that out kite has started going towards the sky and will touch the sky!

Friday, 9 November 2012

Patang Ka Pravas

                                                                  Day 3

In order to live a life worth living and to go in the spiritual path there are a few conditions to follow;

1. Require GUTS:

While flying a kite in the sky, we need the guts to actually fly the kite as there will be many challenges. Like in the sky there is sunrise, sunset, full moon, half moon etc, our life also will have all kinds of challenges and tough situations. The question here is do we have the guts to tackle any kind of situation? In life three things will always be there - Problems, Struggle and Solution.
One man had tied his horse to a tree in the night. In the morning he found that his horse has been robbed by someone. He had the guts to tackle the situation. He took a long stick in his hand and kept going around saying," Whoever has robbed my horse return it, else I have to do the same thing I did last time". The person who had robbed got scared and returned the horse. He asked, "What had you done last time?" The man replied," I had bought a new horse".
So the man had guts enough to get his horse back. Anything can happen in life. But do we have strength and guts to face it? Even in the spiritual life, there are lot of challenges but a person who has chosen this path has the guts to handle those challenges. So in this field, how rich are we? Guts is like petrol for a vehicle and like sugar in sweets. At least try to have guts in those situations where we can bear the challenge or situation.

2. Require GUM:

To make a kite, paper has to be stuck together with gum. God says, in life to how many people can we give place in our heart? There is no trouble in spiritual world if we don't have anything with us, but there is trouble if there is no one with us. How many people are there in this world who truly love you. To how many people are we stuck? How big is our circle of love and how many people are there in it? God does not become our by just leaving wealth. If we become more happy and prosperous, our neighbors would become jealous of us and if we go on the spiritual path, our family members would not like it. We are never able to implement what God has taught us. God loves each and every life in this world, but we are not even able to give proper love to our Parents!

3. Require GAS:

A kite can fly in the sky only if there is strong winds otherwise no matter how much we try it will not fly. Likewise in our life we need good deeds. Are good deeds in our favor? Now we have everything - eyes, ears, nose, hands and legs, but we keep postponing spirituality for our old age. When will we follow God's path? Our mind is never ready to decide when we would become pious? If we are going to postpone for old age, we might regret as at that time we are not sure if we will be able to see, hear, talk, walk etc.
So lets start it now!

4. Require GAP:

Two kites flying in the sky need gap in between them so they can fly properly. We need gap(distance) from our wealth, luxurious items, mobile, clothes etc. We should love people and not things. We become so angry at at person if he by mistake breaks our favorite watch. In other words we have become more attached to things rather than to people. We should not become such a big stone that even a sculptor cannot pick it up!

5. Require GLAD:

When we fly a kite and it goes really high in the sky we become very happy. How happy are we? God wants us to be happy in life. Happiness is the base of our life and if we are not happy in spite of having everything, then it is of no use.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


                                                               Day 1

A stone has the nature of going down from where it is and a kite has the nature of going up from where it is. Lord Mahavira once said," O Human, You are great". He said this because we as humans can go up or go down depending on our state of mind. What is our mentality in this field? Do we want to be like the stone or the kite?

If we want to fly high and high like the kite there are some conditions and requirements:

1. Requirement of Land (समर्पण - Surrender or Dedication):

When we see up towards the sky and fly the kite, we don't have the fear of falling down because of the strong land below us. How much is our dedication in life towards God and our Guru?
Even to surrender there are some conditions:

a. Unconditionally Surrender - Somewhere or the other, condition takes a place in dedication also. But unconditionally surrendering is what we require. Are we slaves, servant or attendant? A slave has to work 24 hours without asking any question, a servant works under his boss for a specific number of hours where he as well cannot argue or say anything and an attendant is the one who keeps doing chores for his master without any conditions and does what his boss likes. An attendant surrenders unconditionally to his master.
When a blind man wants to cross the road, he simply holds the other persons hand and crosses as he cannot see what is in front of him. But we are such blind people who can see only what is not there in front of us like prestige, wealth, success and power.

b. Strong Dedication or Surrender - Even if we surrender unconditionally but if our dedication is not strong we will fail in battle and challenges of life.

c. Highest Dedication: A disciple could appreciate his Guru so much that his dedication is the highest.

Body and Health wise every animal is stronger than us. But we have the strength to correct the wrong and to make our mind  rich and powerful. And to surrender such a mind at a Guru's feet is the strength of surrendering. Gautam Swami surrender to Lord Mahavira and said your wish is mine. Hanumanji also said the same to Lord Ram as they had unconditionally and strongly surrendered to their Guru's.
Like a train that needs an engine, in life we need dedication.

2. Requirement of Luggage ( सद्बुद्धि - Understanding and Control of mind):

When we fly a kite, we also need luggage along with it like the thread, etc. Understanding of the right and control of the mind is the requirement of life. Control of mind prevents us from going on the wrong track. In the presence of temptation, though we are tempted to do something wrong, our understanding and control of mind brings us back on the right track. When we are riding a vehicle at the highest gear and if some other vehicle comes in the front, we apply brakes. Control of mind is the ultimate thing to do no matter what.
If the thread is strong, it will be able to go high and is mind is strong, we will be able to go on the path of enlightenment.

3. Requirement of Lunchbox ( समाधी - Art of compromise):

We carry some snacks or lunch with us while flying a kite for the whole day as we know we might feel hungry. We might get depressed and feel sad if someone cuts our kite but at that time if we know the art of compromise, then we will not sit back and regret but rather we would fly another kite. Our life is like a test match and not one day match. A one day match does not have second inning but a test match has second inning. In life if some years have been wasted, we must not become sad and depressed but we must have the hope that we have a second inning.
In life the sorrows are like the operation we undergo at the hospital. Once we undergo the operation we know we will be fine and happy. The definition of life is that what we wish never happens and what happens is what we don't wish. It is not possible to become aggressive and change others, rather we have to change ourselves. So lets keep in mind that whenever we are depressed we will remember the art of compromise.

4. Requirement of Lamp (Understanding): 

A lamp is the one that spreads lights and guides us. If we have all the above mentioned three points in us but if we do not have an understanding then we will fail in life. How important is a lamp in our life?

5. Requirement of Labor (Support):

While flying a kite, we need support or someone to help us. We alone cannot complete the whole task.Similarly in life we need someone to guide us.

In the above mentioned five points, lets focus on our weak point. The qualification of a Saint is not to do what your heart wishes!

Friday, 2 November 2012

Strength Of Soul

                                                               Day 4

In order to attain strength of the soul there are five terms and conditions:

Need means desire or requirement. We need so many things in our daily life like, so many clothes, so many luxurious items etc. Our needs keep increasing day by day, but are we ready to become needless? Desire is the biggest enemy in spiritual life. One mobile is a requirement but wanting more than that is a desire. The biggest strength of spiritual life is learning to say "NO". Do we have the ability in us to say No?

"Learn to say 'no' to the good so you can say 'yes' to the best"

What is have is the mathematics of Life and what we are is the mathematics of spiritual life. In life if we want peace and happiness, we have to learn to say No to the luxurious items and other needs. We have to learn to give charity of the items in our house that are not being used for more than one year.

When we become needless, we start becoming fearless. Who is more worried and insecure - a Rich man or a Poor man? What is our mentality in this field? One Sadhviji lost her leg within 6 months of her baptism. She was worried how would she walk. The boy asked her to first stop taking all medicines and to take a book and write just one quotation in it," I am fearless as God is with me". He asked her to write it 500 times everyday in her book for 9 days. She soon recovered and was able to walk because of her faith and confidence in God. During rains we are fearless as we have a house to live in, during journey's we are fearless as we have food with us.

"Let us pray not to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them"

We must have the confidence in God and be fearless. There must be faith in God and also involvement.
A river is fearless that it will lose its name after meeting the ocean as she is happy. It is best to leave those things in life that create fear of losing it. Expensive items bring fear of losing them. Being fearless is very important.

We have to reduce our habit of making noise on any issue in life. We have stop becoming aggressive at everything in the world. A man who gets angry frequently must keep three things in front of his always - Disease, Old Age and Death. Sometime might come when we are not able to hear, walk or see. How will we manage our balance of mind then? We have to learn to maintain peace and become noiseless. We will have to learn to compromise in life no matter what's the case - loss in business or family life. Waves in the sea are seen only from the top and they are not there at the bottom. We have to learn to become noiseless. Just think how much energy are we wasting otherwise!

Nameless means not giving top priority to your ego.We consider ourselves Capital I and others as small i.
Relations break because of EGO. We have to learn to lose our ego and cancel ourselves to live a meaningful life. What is our mentality in this?

Our love for all the living creatures in this world has to be endless just like God's love which has no full stop at all. We have to love all living beings. Hence we have to learn to be endless in love.