Friday, 21 September 2012

Are We Really Educated - Day 4

                                                                      Week 5 - Day 4

Once upon a time in Delhi, Nadeershah won a battle and came. He sat on an elephant with the elephant rider as he did not know how to ride an elephant and went on a procession. Nadeershah and got down and said he will not ride anything that is not under his control.

How will the water from the tap be clear if the tank-water is not clear? In Education to be on the right path we need three things:

1. Teaching: 

Teaching is a very important factor in the education system. A teacher teaches the students everything from alphabets to subjects. Teaching improves three things in our life:

a. Increases memory power
b. Sharp Memory
c. Smart Mind

Is there growth or downfall after achieving a degree from the college? Why doesn't our mind grow even after being so well educated. If take advantage of education system and use our memory power and mind in the right way, we can be successful. Today an 8 year old boy has a mind of an 18 year old boy! Is that good or bad? It is definitely dangerous.  If our body should grow old with time, then our mind should also grow old only with age and time.

2. Touching:
In education system, three things should be taught in order to make the heart touching:

a. Sensitive heart(संवेदनशील हृदय) - If we love sharing our happiness and sorrow of others, then we have a sensitive heart. What is our mentality? Has our sensitivity increased? Are we the owners of a sensitive heart?

b. Sweet Words or Voice (मधुर वचन): To maintain a good relation with others, the first bridge is to have sweet words or voice. The why would we spoil such a good bridge?

c. Eyes filles with Tears (अश्रुशाबर आँख): Have the teachers taken the students to a blind school? We have show the students the blind children and show them the difference of them having vision and those not having vision. What sin have they committed that they don't have vision? They will be filled with tears!

Teaching should teach these three things - having sensitive heart, speak sweet words and have eyes filled with tears.

3. Turning (बदलाव): Teaching brings a change in our life, a turning point in our life that brings the following changes in our life:

a. No Darkness in life: Darkness always forces us to do something wrong but as brightness comes over we change in life and do good in life.

b. No Laziness: Change brings activeness in our life. We overcome laziness. Our issue is not that we cannot get up early, but it is that we sleep late.

Are we satisfied with the way our children are, even after being educated? Are we proud of their life? Is this an issue with the student or with the education system? It is definitely with the education system! Are we really educated?

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